Annually I publish all my compositions from the year in a comprehensive volume, mostly for the purpose of copyright. Here are the various collections in songbook form. Scroll over the image to see the song list and click to see a PDF of the music.
Songs of the Gathering Volume X was published in 2013. Photography by Jay McIntyre.
Song List: 1. Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands (Choral Arrangement) 2. In Every Season (Lead Sheet, Lead Sheet with descant, Choral Arrangement) 3. In the City (Micah 4/4) 4. Justice 5. Mercy 6. Humility 7. St. Paul's Breastplate 8. This Next One
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Songs of the Gathering Volume IX was published in 2012. Photography by Jay McIntyre.
Song List: 1. Bow Down 2. Doxology 3. Enemy 4. Faith Hope Love 5. He Is Lord 6. I Will Rejoice 7. The LORD - He Is God 8. Messiah 9. Nostalgia 10. OMG 11. The Sound of Sheer Silence 12. You'd Be Surprised (You're Not Alone)
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Songs of the Gathering Volume VIII was published in 2011. Artwork by Gene Tempelmeyer.
Song List: 1. Fix Your Eyes 2. God of Revelation 3. Jesus Is Alive (Never Gonna Be The Same Again) 4. Manifest 5. Peace 6. Peace I Leave With You 7. Spirit Turn Our Eyes To Jesus 8. Veni Creator Spiritus 9. Veni Creator Spiritus (Recolere)
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Volume VII was published in 2010. Artwork and photography by Jay McIntyre.
Song list: 1. Psalm 120 (I Call On The Lord) 2. Psalm 121 (I Lift Up My Eyes) 3. Psalm 122 (I Rejoice With Those Who Said To Me) 4. Psalm 123 (I LIft Up My Eyes To You) 5. Psalm 124 (If The Lord Had Not Been On Our Side) 6. Psalm 125 (Those Who Trust In The Lord) 7. Psalm 126 (When Yahweh Returned the Fortunes of Zion 8. Psalm 127 (Unless the Lord Builds the House) 9. Psalm 128 (Happy Are All Those Who Fear the Lord) 10. Psalm 129 (They Have Greatly Oppressed Me) 11. Psalm 130 (Out of the Depths) 12. Psalm 131 (My Heart Is Not Proud) 13. Psalm 132 (Lord, Remember David) 14. Psalm 133 (How Good and Pleasant It Is) 15. Psalm 134 (Come, Bless the Lord) 16. Ascension Day 17. The Invitation 18. Something Beautiful
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Psalm 119 is the entirety of Psalm 119 set to music. Volume VI was published in 2010. Artwork by Dan Stewart.
Song List: 1. Aleph 2. Beth 3. Gimel 4. Daleth 5. He 6. Waw 7. Zayin 8. Heth 9. Teth 10. Yodh 11. Kaph 12. Lamedh 13. Mem 14. Nun 15. Samekh 16. Ayin 17. Pe 18. Tsadhe 19. Qoph 20. Resh 21. Shin 23. Taw
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Volume V was published in 2009. Artwork by Scott Moore.
Song list: 1. All Things (Colossians 1:15-20) 2. Be Still Before the Lord 3. Beyond All Words 4. God of Glory, Be With Us 5. The Lord Bless You and Keep You (Ballad and Medium rock) 6. Radiant Hope 7. Remain 8. The Spirit of the Lord Is On Me 9. There's A Wideness in God's Mercy 10. Wonders Proclaim 11. You Heavens Above 12. Zion
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The Eucharist of Beulah and Pearl, Volume IV, is a Mass that I composed and compiled. Click here for the Songbook, click here for the Introduction, or click here for the Liturgy (with intro).
Song List: 1. Kyrie (Dorian Mode) 2. Gloria 3. Credo (Apostle's Creed) 4. Sanctus (Holy Holy) 5. Agnus Dei 6. Alleluia 7. Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands 8. The Lord Be With You (Preface Dialogue and Eucharistic Prayer) 9. Lord, In Your Mercy (Prayers of the People) 10. Our Father (The Lord's Prayer) 11. Trisagion (Three Times Holy) 12. Psalm 24 (King Of Glory) 13. Psalm 116 (I Love The Lord) 14. Psalm 134 (Come, Bless the Lord) 15. Psalm 146 (Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord O My Soul)
Volume III was published 2008. Photography by Scott Moore
Song List: 1. Abide 2. Adonai 3. Everything Is Beautiful 4. Fall On Us 5. He's Alive 6. In This Torontonian Life 7. Now To Him Who Is 8. Psalm 142 (I Cry Out) 9. Psalm 150 (Let Everything That Has Breath) 10. Quicken Me 11. The Power of the Cross 12. Think About These Things 13. Three Personed God 14. When I Close My Eyes
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Volume II was published in 2007. Photography by Scott Moore.
Song List: 1. Called 2. Choose LIfe 3. Come Light Our World, Emmanuel 4. Great and Marvellous Are Your Works (Rev 15:3,4) 5. I'll Always Choose You 6. Moth And Rust (Matthew 6:19-21) 7. One Moment In Time 8. Outcast (This Is Our God) 9. Psalm 42 (As the Deer Longs for Streams of Water) 10. Psalm 43 (Send Out Your Light) 11. Psalm 111 (I Will Thank the Lord) 12. Tangled Up In You 13. Walk In Your Ways
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Songs of the Gathering Volume 1 was published in 2006. Artwork by Monica Kay.
Song List: 1. Alabaster Praise 2. Blessed Is He (Psalm 118) 3. Firm, Firm, Firm Foundation 4. Gospel Blues (Good News Blues) 5. Grace For All 6. In The City With You (Micah 6:8) 7. Psalm 3 (Lifter Of My Head) 8. Psalm 67 (May God Be Merciful And Bless) 9. Psalm 93 (Majestic On High is the Lord) 10. Psalm 117 (Praise the Lord All You Nations) 11. Soar (Isaiah 40) 12. The Gathering Song
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Be Still: A Collection of Worship Songs, my first compilation of worship songs was published in 2005. Artwork by Monica Kay
Song List: 1. At Your Feet (Who Am I?) 2. Psalm 46 (Be Still) 3. Beatitudes 4. Bind Us Together 5. Bring Glory 6. Burn 7. Confession 8. This Cup 9. After the Cross 10. Hallelujah (Worthy is the Lamb) 11. Is It Enough (Colossians 3) 12. Isaiah 43 13. One God 14. Peter's Song 15. Psalm 63 (Satisfied In You) 16. Shout With Joy (Psalm 100) 17. Simply Said 18. The Love You Have For Me 19. The Prize 20. This Mystery, This Majesty 21. To the Glory of Our God (Philippians 2) 22. You Are 23. Your Grace Is Still Sufficient
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